Challenge yourself to complete a task or reach a goal, ask for sponsorship to help those in need, get out there and smash your goal anytime in Feb.
Most importantly HAVE FUN!
You know how cold you get when you go outside at the moment? You know how your fingers and your feet feel freezing?
Try and imagine if every night - instead of your lovely warm bed - you had to sleep all night on the hard pavement in the freezing cold?
For thousands of people in London this is what they have to do every night. They get very very cold, very uncomfortable and they are often very hungry.
We can help them by providing sleeping bags, foam bed rolls (which make them more comfortable and insulate them from the cold) and warm tracksuits and gloves.
Getting involved is really easy:
1. Pick your challenge (some ideas below) - what would you most like to do / what challenge do you think you’d most enjoy?
2. Pick your sponsorship goal from the list below -how how would most like to help? Do you think you could raise the money to buy a couple of items?
3. Speak to Mum / Dad / Grandparents / Godparents / Family friends and ask them to sponsor you to meet your goal
4. Complete your challenge and and have fun doing it
5. Ask Mum / Dad to help you place the order on Amazon (from the most needed list below) and email sarah.kerr@gmx.com to arrange collection and distribution to the homeless
Challenge ideas....
- Build the greatest lounge den you can and sleep in it all night (make sure you take lots of photos!)
- Set a goal to walk / run / cycle / skip throughout Feb and try and get out everyday to complete it
- Set a goal to complete a table tennis rally / a number of keep ups with your football / a number of push ups and practice until you can complete your challenge
- Go to your local park and do a sponsored litter pick
- Try a sponsored silence - could you do a whole day?!
- Come up with your own challenge - what would you most like to push yourself to achieve?!
Fundraising goals (you can pick the items you would most like to buy with the money you raise).....
1. A bed roll - £14.99
2. A sleeping bag - £29.99
3. A tracksuit - £19.99
4. A hoodie - £14.99
5. A backpack - £36.99
6. A thermal scarf - £8.99
7. A beanie - £3.49
The boring bits for the adults.....
- If you wish to take part please email sarah.kerr@gmx.com
- If you are willing to share photos that we can use on Facebook it would be a great way to promote the challenge and hopefully get more sponsorship
- How the money is donated is entirely up to you. You can send it direct to us, you can make the purchases from this Amazon shopping and either have them sent to you so your child can see what they achieved (we can collect / provide an address to drop) or you can have the items sent directly to us
- The items will be donated direct to the homeless via the charity Under One Sky https://www.underonesky.cc
Jake Watts - one of our Kids Challenge Heroes